Volume 66, Issue 4 p. 517-552
Original Article

Leading to Stimulate Employees' Ideas: A Quantitative Review of Leader–Member Exchange, Employee Voice, Creativity, and Innovative Behavior

Joel B. Carnevale

Joel B. Carnevale

Syracuse University, USA

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Lei Huang

Corresponding Author

Lei Huang

Auburn University, USA

Address for correspondence: Lei Huang, Department of Management, Raymond J. Harbert College of Business, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36830, USA. Email: [email protected]Search for more papers by this author
Marcus Crede

Marcus Crede

Iowa State University, USA

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Peter Harms

Peter Harms

University of Alabama, USA

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Mary Uhl-Bien

Mary Uhl-Bien

Texas Christian University, USA

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First published: 23 June 2017
Citations: 108


Through social exchange, leaders can offer relational support or resources to facilitate employees' proactive attempts to bring positive change (voice) or novel ideas (creativity) and behaviors (innovative behavior) to their work. We consider these three outcomes under the same nomological network as they all represent employees' idea contribution to the organisation. The present paper thus meta-analytically reviews the findings of research relating leader–member exchange (LMX) to voice (37 samples), creativity (53 samples), and innovative behavior (29 samples). Results show that LMX positively predicts voice, creativity, and innovative behavior. Moreover, LMX is more strongly related with creativity than with voice or innovative behavior, a significant difference maintained even after controlling for study characteristics that may act as confounding variables. Implications of our findings and directions for future research are also discussed.